13 Ways to Use a U Choose Loan
May 8, 2018

When it comes to your financial life, we subscribe to the Bobby Brown mentality. How you spend your money – whether it’s personal, professional, spiritual, or pinball machine-related – is your prerogative.
That’s why we offer something called a U Choose loan. This loan unicorn1 gives you the ability to borrow up to $30,000 at a truly impressive rate to do with as you wish.
So, ask yourself – what would you do with $30K? The possibilities are endless, but here are 13 ideas to try on.
1. Take the “Someday” Vacay
If you’re like us, you’re in-between spring breaks during your school years and amazing fortnight-long international trips taken during retirement. But, wouldn’t you rather take one of those amazing trips now? The Travel Channel has an editor-written list of bucket list vacations. We vote you take them while you’re able to walk long distances and eat spicy food without a second thought.
2. Redefine RVing
RVing in the classical sense may not be that appealing (“you want me to rent this used, boring, cramped, smelly thing for HOW MUCH per week?”) but RVing in the millennial sense of the word is truly awesome. Scour the web for a vintage Airstream, then binge on YouTube tutorials to fix it up. Once you’re done, think of your RV as a tiny home on wheels. Beats hotel fees, right?
If you’d rather hire someone to help you restore a trailer, check out Timeless Travel Trailers. (Photo cred)
3. Get Your Game Room
Many Wisconsinites, regardless of age or gender, have the same aspiration: to create a green and gold, memorabilia-filled, Packers basement bar. With the average United States basement remodel project ranging from $10,656 – $27,443, and a plethora of affordably priced memorabilia available on the web, this Titletown-themed project is a perfect match for our U Choose loan.
4. Get Your Game Room, Part II
Whether you’re a pinball wizard or a Donkey Kong 64 diehard, a video game room is a unique alternative to the typical Wisconsin basement. We’re picturing a multi-console setup, with multiple flat screens and maybe a CRT TV for your Atari and ColecoVision. If you’re hardcore, pop in a few vintage pinball machines or a custom Settlers of Catan table.
Photo via Geek & Sundry
5. Protect Your Rainy-Day Fund
Murphy’s law means that if something can go wrong, it probably will. Thus, you will weather some rainy days in your life, whether it’s roof damage during a storm or vehicle damage from an I-41 South fender bender. However, it’s important to note that well-maintained roofs are less susceptible to damage, as are newer cars. So, take some preventive steps around the house, such as:
- Replacing drafty windows and doors
- Repairing or replacing an older roof (20 years or older)
- Remodel a bathroom with leaky fixtures or warped floors
- Replacing old wiring
- Fixing existing foundation issues
6. Plan a TLC-Level Wedding
Though there’s something to be said about a thrifty wedding, some folks just wouldn’t be happy throwing anything less than the dream wedding. For many, this means expensive bling, a four-figure dress, a trendy venue, and an Instagrammable honeymoon. These things add up, and have pushed the cost of the average Wisconsin wedding to $19,483. We’re here to help – Consider adding a U Choose loan to your wedding guest list.
7. Lead the Valley’s Food Truck Revolution
Over the last decade, America’s food truck scene has exploded like a chip bag under pressure. The Economist states the industry’s revenue grew 7.9% between 2011 and 2016, and offers no sign of slowing down.
“Taco the town” = “Talk of the town” … get it? #EconomistPuns
The Valley is joining major metropolitan areas in falling for food trucks, but there is still ample room in the market if you’re culinarily-inclined. Used vendor and concession trucks can be scooped up online for as low as $5,000. All you have to do is find a handy friend and get working on your menu.
8. Climb the “Stairway to Heaven”
If a rosewood fingerboard or a solid mahogany body makes you drool, you’re probably our generation’s Hendrix. Now’s an especially great time to get your mitts on a vintage instrument. Antiques experts say the market is “under stress” … meaning that you can get a Gibson SG Special 1967 for about $2K. 🤘
Photo via Carter Vintage
9. Procure a Private Beach
At a close second to a Packers basement on the list of Wisconsinite wants is the classic lake home. Private dock, somewhat secluded and wooded lot, and a little cottage with a fireplace and lots of character. While $30K won’t get you an entire house, it may help you get the right lot, a slightly nicer vacation home, or a better location.
10. Procure a Private Beach, Part II
Love the water but don’t want to travel far? Shorten your commute and bring the water to you. Pools are relatively expensive home additions, but can drastically improve the chances of selling your home in the future. HouseLogic suggests that houses without pools in neighborhoods that have pools will be much harder to sell.
11. Promote Your Home Office
Photo via homedit
We live in a connected age. Even if you’re a 9-to-5 worker who doesn’t officially “work from home,” you likely put in extra time on nights and weekends to impress the boss. The best method of staying productive at home is to compartmentalize your space by creating a dedicated home office. We’re picturing simple décor, a sturdy industrial-style desk, and a huge, high-resolution monitor for maximum productivity.
12. Shrink Your Student Loan Payments
Feeling strapped for cash each month once your student loan payment leaves your account? You’re not alone. Luckily, loan consolidation can be a smart option for those hoping to lower their combined monthly payments. Our Member Advisors can help you decide if consolidation is right for you!
13. Build a She Shed
The feminine reply to the man cave is the she shed. We’ve been loving these since 2016, and we doubt they’re going out of style any time soon. A typical she shed is a small free-standing building on your property that you deck out any way U Choose. This space could be a gardening supply store, a writing oasis, an art studio, or even a yoga room. Lowe’s has some amazing she shed décor ideas.
Photo via Lowe’s
Did any of our U Choose loan ideas pique your interest? Got your own dreams you want to make a reality? Get in touch with us today! We’ll set you up with a dedicated Member Advisor who will help you find the best way to get exactly what U want from your U Choose loan.